Refereed Publications

  1. Chris Heegard, John (Séan) T. Coffey, Srikanth Gummadi, Eric J. Rossin, Matthew B. Shoemake and Michael Wilhoyte “Combined Equalization and Decoding for IEEE 802.11b Devices,” Vol. SAC–21, No. 2, IEEE Selected Areas in Communications, February 2003. [www]

  2. Chris Heegard, John (Séan) T. Coffey, Srikanth Gummadi, Peter A.Murphy, Ron Provencio, Eric J. Rossin, Sid Schrum, and Matthew B. Shoemake, “High Performance Wireless Ethernet,” IEEE Communications Magazine, November 2001. [www]

  3. Chris Heegard and Andrew King, “FIR Parity Check Codes,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. COM–48, No. 7, July 2000. [www]

  4. Ian Blake, Thomas Høholdt, Victor Wei and Chris Heegard, “Algebraic Geometry Coding,” (special issue celebrating the 50th anniversary of Information Theory), Vol. IT–44, No. 6,pp. 2596 - 2618 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, October 1998. [www]

  5. John H. Little, Keith Saints and Chris Heegard, “On the Structure of Hermitian Codes,” Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra., 1997. [www]

  6. Chris Heegard, John H. Little and Keith Saints, “Systematic Encoding via Gröbner Bases for a Class of Algebraic Geometric Goppa Codes,” Vol. IT–42, No. 6, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, November 1995. [www]

  7. Keith Saints and Chris Heegard, “Algebraic-Geometric Codes and Multidimensional Cyclic Codes: A Unified Theory and Algorithms for Decoding Using Gröbner  Bases,” Vol. IT–42, No. 6, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, November 1995. [www]

  8. Eric J. Rossin, Nagabhushana T. Sindhushay and Chris Heegard, “Trellis Group Codes for the Gaussian Channel,” Vol. IT–41, No. 5, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, September 1995. [www]

  9. Chris Heegard, Scott A. Lery and Woo H. Paik, “Practical Coding for QAM Transmission of HDTV,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. SAC–11, January 1993. [www]

    (Reprinted in Digital Video: Concepts and Applications Across Industries, Edited by Theodore S. Rzeszewski, IEEE Press, 1995.)

  10. Chris Heegard and Lawrence Ozarow, “Bounding the Capacity of Saturation Recording: the Lorentz Model and Applications,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. SAC–10, January 1992. [www]

  11. Chris Heegard, Alexandra Duel-Hallen and Rajeev Krishnamoorthy, “On the Capacity of the Noisy Run-Length Channel,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. SAC–10, January 1992. [www]

  12. Kenneth Kerpez, Ayis Gallopoulos and Chris Heegard, “Maximum Entropy, Charge Constrained, Run-length Codes,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT–37, May 1991. [www]

  13. Chris Heegard, Brian Marcus and Paul Siegel, “Variable Length State Splitting with Applications to Average Run-length Constrained (ARC) Codes,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT–37, May 1991. [www]

  14. Thomas Fuja and Chris Heegard, “Focused Codes for Channels with Skewed Errors,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT–36, No. 4, pp. 773-783, July 1990. [www]

  15. Thomas Fuja, Chris Heegard and Mario Blaum, “Cross Parity Check Convolutional Codes,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory Vol. IT–35, No. 6, pp. 1264-1276, November 1989. [www]

  16. Ayis Gallopoulos, Chris Heegard and Paul Siegel, “The Power Spectrum of Run-Length Limited Codes,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. COM–37, No. 9, September 1989. [www]

  17. Alexandra Duel-Hallen and Chris Heegard, “Delayed Decision-Feedback Sequence Estimation,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. COM–37, No. 5, pp. 428-436, May 1989. [www]

  18. Thomas Fuja, Chris Heegard and Rodney Goodman, “Linear Sum Codes for Random Access Memories,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. C–37, No. 9, pp. 1030-1042, September 1988. [www]

  19. A. Robert Calderbank, Chris Heegard and Ting-Ann Lee, “Binary Convolutional Codes with Application to Magnetic Recording,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT–32, No. 6, pp. 797-815, November 1986. [www]

  20. Tom Fuja and Chris Heegard, “Row/Column Replacement for the Control of Hard Defects in Semiconductor RAM's,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. C–35, No. 11, pp. 996-1000, November 1986. [www]

  21. Chris Heegard and Toby Berger, “Rate-Distortion When Side Information May Be Absent,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT–30, No. 6, pp. 727–734, November 1985. [www]

  22. Chris Heegard, “On the Capacity of Permanent Memory,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT–30, No. 1, pp. 34–42, January 1985. [www]

  23. Chris Heegard, “Partitioned Linear Block Codes for Computer Memory with “Stuck - at” Defects,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT–29, No.6, pp. 831–842, November 1983. [www]

  24. Chris Heegard and Abbas El Gamal, “On the Capacity Computer Memory with Defects,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT–29, No. 5, pp. 731–739, September 1983. [www]

  25. Chris Heegard, Hugo E. dePedro and Jack K. Wolf, “Permutation Codes for the Gaussian Broadcast Channel with Two Receivers,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT–24, No. 5, pp.569–578, September 1978. [www]

  26. Chris Heegard, Jerrold A. Heller and Andrew J. Viterbi, “A Microprocessor-Based PSK Modem for Packet Transmission Over Satellite Channels,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. COM–26, No. 5, pp.552–564, May 1978. [www]

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